Thursday, February 19, 2004

For Thursday Threesome

February 19, 2004
The Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Serendipity:-- Do you believe in destiny?
Yes I do. Things happen for a reason, whether good or bad. Does a person choose their own destiny? I believe that all doors are opened for people in their life and for some reason they are drawn into crossing the threshold for certain doors that take them onto the road of life.

Twosome: Making fortunate discoveries-- What is your greatest "find"? Is it an antique you discovered tucked away at a garage sale? Or maybe something as simple as the great sale on khakis or lawn mowers at your favorite store?
My greatest find would have to be finding my best friend. Who knew two girls from different parts of CA would wind up at the same college in IN and become best friends for life. We have seen the good and bad side of each other, traveled cross country and still remained friends.

Threesome: by accident-- Have you ever discovered a place entirely by accident and it's become a favourite place to go now? A hidden grove in the city park, a wonderful little coffee shop or restaurant, a treasure trove of a shop?
This nice little path in the park - perfect for clearing the mind


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