Thursday, March 25, 2004

Ah... yes... Here comes The Daily Dirt

Who Can...?
Thursday, March 25, 2004
1. ...Make You Laugh? - my friends doing something stupid - I can make myself laugh as well
2. ...Make You Cry? - those who hurt me
3. ...Make You Mad? - people who act dumb
4. ...Make You Sad? - people who don't follow through on promises
5. ...Cheer You Up When You're Feeling Down? - my best friend
Here comes the rain again... Oh what a Thursday...

Now for this week's Thursday Threesome

March 25, 2004
Thursday Threesome
::Computer Anti-Virus Software::

Onesome: Computer- What was/is your first computer? A clunky old Commodore or something a touch more modern? - At home we had an Apple llc then we had an Apple lle. and moved up the Apple chain to an iMac

Twosome: Anti-Virus- Have you ever had a computer virus? How bad was it? Or are you one of the lucky ones who have managed to avoid them? - At college on my PC I had a small one, but haven't had one since I got my new iMac

Threesome: Software- What piece of software really made you more productive on your computer. ...or, as in my case, less productive? *g* - My iPOD

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Switching stations to What's On Right Now

What's On your blog Right Now?
Tons of random thoughts, links and if you search the archives you can get some fun pictures of me... but you have to search for them :)
And back to our program already in progress... This is today's Daily Dirt

In your hood…
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
1. What's your neighbourhood like in the morning? - busy - I live in a large apartment complex and the mornings tons of people leave for work
2. What is it like around midnight? - mostly quite - tons of families live in the apartment complex
3. Do you know a lot of people from your neighbourhood? - not really - I've had 2 different next door neighbors and currently there is no one there.
4. How safe is your neighbourhood? Pretty safe - the complex is on top of a hill, and for those who have been there it is quite the steep drive up
5. Get outta there or lovin' it? I like it - not my parents house - but it does the job
Well happy hump day - the week is half over!
Here is today's Wednesday Whatevers

1. What are your views on pornography? - who knew I would have a catchy first line to my post that relates to this question - my views - well the view would be better if someone wasn't standing in front of the TV!!
2. What would you like done to your body when you die? - interesting question - so many options - creamation and sent into space, dontate your body to science, burried in the ground
3. Would you rather eat your tongue or your hand? - odd question, here is my odd answer - my tongue - hey in some parts of the world the animal tongue is a delicase - not sure about nauing on the fingers would be all that apitizing...

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

And this is today's Daily Dirt

Cry me a river...
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
1. When was the last time you cried? 2 weeks ago
2. Who made you cry? I had a slight mental breakdown - just too many things going on in my head and I couldn't think straight
3. What makes you cry just thinking about it? nothing really
4. Have you ever made someone else cry? my brother or sister
5. Do you cry during sad movies? yeah, I admit it!
Where is the sun today? Not in the sky, where it should be!

Here is today's Ten on Tuesday

Ten Sports You Like To Watch

1. Waterpolo
2. Notre Dame football
3. Baseball game - but only in person - watching it on tv just not the same
4. Gymnastics
5. Does Nascar count?
6. Basketball
7. Ice skating
8. World Strongest Man competitions
9. Does billards count?
10. Golf

Monday, March 22, 2004

Making up for not posting this weekend - Here is this week's Unconcious Mutterings

  1. Wife:: Husband
  2. Criminal:: Justice
  3. Campaign:: President
  4. Infection:: Nasty
  5. Portland:: Oregon
  6. NASCAR:: Dale Earnhart Jr.
  7. IMAX:: Theater
  8. Martian:: Marvin
  9. Nike:: Air Jordan
  10. Trial:: Jury

Ah some MONDAY MADNESSto go with the weather!

1. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
I was into cartoons - Thunder Cats - Care Bears - She-Ra - Strawberry Shortcake - Loony Toons - Smurfs

2. What show did you hate?
Can't think of any that I totaly hated

3. What show did your family gather around the TV to watch?
We watched Disney and Nick and Nite a lot!

4. What show is currently your favorite?
Alias, JAG, Friends, Gilmore Girls, CSI

5. What show do you hate now?
I really don't hate any shows, I just have my favorite shows that I watch every night
So this weekend, the weather was nice, not as warm as the previous weekend (in the mid 80s), but it was still sunny and warm, low 70s. But what happens today... yeah around 2pm the clouds roll in and it gets cold! What is in the forcast for this week, Rain! that's right RAIN on Thursday! Just when I get use to the warm weather and think I can pack up my sweaters and jackets, BAM, RAIN! This is what I think of that :P
So this weekend, the weather was nice, not as warm as the previous weekend (in the mid 80s), but it was still sunny and warm, low 70s. But what happens today... yeah around 2pm the clouds roll in and it gets cold! What is in the forcast for this week, Rain! that's right RAIN on Thursday! Just when I get use to the warm weather and think I can pack up my sweaters and jackets, BAM, RAIN! This is what I think of that :P